Dalmation Toadflax (Linaria dalmatica)
Common Names: broadleaf toadflax, wild snapdragon, smooth toadflax
Description: Like its close cousin yellow toadflax, Dalmatian toadflax produces showy snapdragon-type yellow flowers, however, it is easier to identify due to its long, erect appearance and waxy coating. Dalmatian toadflax has a tap root that can go as deep as ten feet, but will also produce lateral roots that can extend out from the parent plant for ten to twelve feet. This plant can produce woody stems that are capable of reaching heights of four feet. They can be branched in the upper portions and are often a blue-green in color. Both stems and leaves have a waxy coating. Leaves are heart shaped and clasp the stem alternately. They have smooth margins. Blooms are nearly identical to yellow toadflax flowers: pale to bright yellow with orange throats and a spur extending from the bottom. Flowers are arranged in racemes on the stems and flowering occurs from mid summer to early fall. Seeds are ½ inch capsules that contain tiny dark seeds with papery wings. These seeds can remain viable for up to ten years and each plant can produce up to 500,000 seeds annually. Dalmatian toadflax reproduces by seed and by root.
Key Features: Tall, stalky plant with waxy, rubber-like leaves and stem; stem and leaves are a bluish-green in color and flowers are bright, showy, yellow and resemble snap dragons.
Habitat: Dalmatian toadflax grows best in full sun on dry sites with coarse textured, well-drained soils. Dalmatian toadflax is typically found along disturbed sites, roadsides, clear cuts, transitional forest-grassland, right-of-ways, fences, cultivated fields, pastures, and rangelands.
Currently found in counties surrounding McCone: Custer, Daniels, Dawson, Prairie, Richland, Roosevelt and Valley
Interesting Facts: Dalmatian toadflax flowers have both male and female organs (hermaphroditic) and can self pollinate. This plant was grown as an ornamental for many years in Europe before being introduced in the U.S. in 1874. Many folks will unknowingly pick both Dalmatian and yellow toadflax to take home and display in vases because of the showy blooms.
Commonly Confused Plants: Common Yellow Toadflax has similar flowers but no orange in the throat; Bastard toadflax has similarly blue green foliage
Article source: Montana Weed Control Association
Photo source: http://www.natronacountyweeds.com/wp-content/gallery/dalmation-toadflax/dt.jpg