June 28-Leafy Spurge Flea Beetle Collection at Grass Range
Approximately 20 people gathered at an established insectary in Grass Range to collect bio-control leafy spurge flea beetles. After 3 hours of sweeping, we collected over 180,000 insects. Thanks to Melissa Maggio, State Bio-Control Coordinator & Brady Cannon, Fergus County Weed…
June 23: CMR Community Working Group Meeting
The Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge (CMR NWR) Community Working Group will meet on June 23rd in Circle at the McCone County Fairgrounds from 10:00AM to 3:00PM. Join us as we finalize our work plan for the group in…
McCone CD Facebook page had a face-lift
For better efficiency, McCone Conservation District Facebook page has a new Administrator George McCone. The new Facebook page features a Showy Milkweed and Monarch Butterfly as its profile photo. Please like us!