Spring Newsletter available online & it’s in color!
Go to "About Us" and "Newsletter 2015". Will be mailed out next week, too. Enjoy!
TODAY! Feb 23 Local Working Group Meeting
Here's your opportunity to express your natural resource concerns. Possible resource concerns can include specific target areas or concerns such as noxious weeds, soil & range health, wildlife habitat or inadequate water supply for livestock and/or wildlife. It will be…
Supervisor Matt Beery–Thank you for 16 years of service!
The Conservation District would like to thank you for your 16 years of service! You will be missed!
Reminder! TOMORROW–Soil Health Workshop February 18th!
We will have 4 speakers that will talk about crop diversity, noxious weeds, saltcedar, transitioning to a no-till continuous operation, full flex rotation matching cash crops to seasonal rainfall. Registration begins at 9am. We will serve lunch (provided by Kay's…